
Employee Handbook Company for Wisconsin Small Businesses
Who doesn’t enjoy a good book?
Many people don’t mind picking up a book from time to time and getting lost in a good story. Have you ever gotten so lost in a book that you became overwhelmed by each chapter? Or you became worried about the words and how they may impact you? Has a book ever made you concerned about ending up in court with someone? Obviously, the book I'm referring to is not your common romance novel or mystery thriller. The book we are referring to is your employee handbook. If you have ever tried to write or revise a handbook you may have experienced symptoms such as being lost, being worried, or even asking yourself if you would have a fighting chance in court with someone.
Take the mystery of your employee handbook
Employee handbooks may not be required by any law, however, they are an employer’s legal defense and the main centralized location for employer expectations. In addition, employees want to be equipped with a resource where they can find answers to questions. Therefore, it is important to have a handbook in place. Handbooks can be a true mystery to any employer trying to write their own. What goes in it? How long should it be? 100 pages? 10 pages? What laws need to be included? How do I handle employees working in different states? Is the sample policy from that website good enough to use? Employers should not guess when it comes to their employee handbook. A savvy employee or an employment law attorney can tear apart a hodgepodge handbook and it can results in hundreds of thousands of dollars in fees if escalated to court.
A handbook needs the correct author
Handbooks should be written and reviewed every 2-3 years by the correct author. An HR representative who is focused on many of the other facets of human resource management may not be equipped with the correct time or resources. An admin who inherited the handbook project may rely heavily on the internet or create overly broad policies. An attorney may charge you an arm and a leg for legal handbook that doesn’t read well to the average employee. So what do you do? Reach out to BenHR! We take your current employee handbook (if you have one) and an attorney-written handbook template and create a personalized handbook for you and your employees. Our average handbook is around 30 pages and typically can be delivered to you in 1-2 months.
Kick your feet up and enjoy a good read
Partnering with BenHR allows you to handover that dusty old handbook and in turn receive back a shiny new one that not only protects you but is also easily understood by your employees. Reviewing your handbook may be the perfect opportunity for you to update some policies. It also allows for you to roll out the handbook to your employees and remind them of your expectations. In addition, to writing handbooks, BenHR also stays on top of the every changing world of employment law and takes the burden off of you if a change is needed in your handbook. Finally, we help with reviewing your handbook every 2-3 years, so you don’t need to keep track of when a refresh may be needed. Picture a world where you can cross the handbook project off your to do list and instead you can kick your feet up and enjoy a good read!